Of Crushes, Heartbreaks and Strawberry Ice-creams

After a long hiatus I have been able to crawl through the shackles of a self imposed writers' block and dragged myself to the system.

A quick set of disclaimers first

As for the quirky title I would like to like to clarify at the very start – If you are looking here for a relation between strawberries and heartache; sorry dude! This is not the place for you…

Also, if you are expecting something prosaic, comprehensive and informative from this incoherent and biased rattling – Au revoir!

First for the inspiration – a heart to heart chat with my roommates – my “sukh dukh ka saathies” about the latest crushes and the oldest heartbreakers, the lengthy discussions of which took place in the auspicious confines of our small room! It all started with what (on earth) attracts one towards people who you (would never ever; if you are in your senses) like to be associated with! But what happens when against all odds you have a crush on them or God forbid, in the worst case FALL for them? In the midst of all the exchange, I being the self proclaimed ORACLE on this subject pitched in my views and as always fetched a lot of accolades and exclamatory agreements combined with some incredulous looks! :-)

To look at it, in a certain way all this attraction is just a chemical reaction and some peculiar behavior of the heart! What amazes me is the way you look at person when you like them. Cut to scene 2 and you find yourself thinking – “Ew! I had a crush on HIM? What is wrong with me?” 
Say Hi to Rushing Crush! The best part which keeps you secure is that you come to know that it is waning away and as the "nasha" leaves your senses you feel a strange lightness of being, a sense of relief!

Now for the serious yet strange part - you fall for somebody – head over heels. Then in due course of time you realize they are not meant for you – crash, boom, badang – and here it is: Mr. Heartbreak!

And this is when the ice-cream arrives… Well for once I would accept that CHOCOLATE– it may or may not be an aphrodisiac, but certainly helps in cooling your temper and soothing your nerves. Go on, try it!

Go on, love some one, have a solid heartache and then a heart break and then indulge yourself in an ice-cream parlor that offers at least 50 flavors of ice-creams! Being a true blue Indian I would suggest AMUL which dishes out so many subtle flavors that you tend to forget why you were here in the first place; to appease the olfactory or to drown your sorrows.

And for all my gal-friends who have recently suffered heartbreak – I dedicate the song “Hungry Heart” to you..

As relief starters – go get a makeover! Go and get a life. Life is too small a time to brood over some silly fellow!

So much for now… I leave you now with the pineapple chocolate chip sundae with lots of strawberry sauce on top of it!

PS: Being the perennial optimistic (and hopeless) romantic that my friend is, she interpreted the “Heartbreaks” as “Heartbeats”! What can I say? ;-)


  1. Oh OK ! Bold story.. send him a link to this post

  2. Yeah baby, its really good, simple yet soothing, and definately m having chocolate excess today :P

  3. ah! chocolate.. definitely sinful.. but angellic enough to help you recover from anything stressful! heartbreak? sorry, no idea..
    mood swing.. definately yes!! so hail all, chocolate is definately the "aphrodisiac"...


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