
Took a day off today.. Sat wondering for a long while, what to do with loads of free time today? Well after the old, rather mechanical chores of a day, I was mulling over what does a person usually do when he is alone? Sing, dance, write, read or do whatever he can't in front of others? Solitude, these days is a luxury i believe...

Seems like you don't get to see much of that. Even when you try to be alone, you are not. The constant fetish to stay connected with the outside world has such a daunting and subconscious effect on our senses that we rarely even notice it. We twitch and we twist under the burden of the same. Try to steal a nap in the afternoon and you would know for sure, the frustration of receiving a call from office when you are already tossing and turning in your bed to grab a bit of solace. What do you do? Take the call and go for it OR just let it be? Well, the choice is always yours, my friend?

The social newtworking sites - the fever of staying "CONNECTED" that defines the Gen X today! Aah, you open up one and you will see several updates - A has changed their name to B, or C has uploaded a picture on their profile! I wonder why we need to be so "CONNECTED" all the time. For God's sake, the sudden barge of updates of the Twitterati and some wannabe celebrities with a blink-and-you-miss-them appearance, is nothing but a nuisance. Imagine people asking their "FANS" for suggestions on which dress they should buy? It gets as simple as that - Go to a big store, wear something nice or not so nice, click a picture, upload it and there you go - people follow you like a frenzy! Whatever happened to the good old days of tagging a friend along or more so, just taking your OWN decisions! Why would people want to followed everywhere(thank God, they have spared the washrooms, till then we can heave a sigh of relief)!

And why am I rueing this fact so much? Being one of the "X- Team" , as I prefer to call it, I too do the same, but with the bored aptitude of just doing it for the heck of it! Who really DOES care what updates one puts on FB or ORKUT unless some one changes their surname - gets married or divorced for that matter? Why do we need to NETWORK so frequently? Remember those good old days when we used to scramble for a piece of paper to write down the number of a long lost friend or maintain diaries for that matter to keep a tab on all of them? What happened to the Birthday Cards and roses that we used to send to their addresses so carefully maintained in a diary somewhere? What happened to the Rakhies for which brothers used to rush home against all odds and carry boxes of sweets for their loving sisters?
All this has been very conveniently replaced by smses, phone calls, and birthday and speaking of which "BROTHERS' DAY" cards available in the market! So much so that, just dial and voila, flowers have reached your bro/sis/hubby as the case may be! Rest in peace Brethren! Donot fret! No need for human touch; a gentle click on the Mouse is enough to end all your miseries...

Well well, after all this pondering and sermonising, let me share a bit from this day before it ends...

I went for a walk in the evening before I went crazy and started pulling my hair in front of the MR. SHADY LAPTOP!
It was soothing and yeah,peaceful. The rains have drenched the place all over so rolled up my jeans and strove through them to the market nearby... With earphones in my ears, with all the noise of engines, quarelling people outside and gutters overflowing with water cut out, all that was left was pristine music; soothing ones senses and that convinced me to take few steps more and walk at least half a kilometer more.. The experience was rewarding and was like cleansing of senses.

Try it out - take a walk on a rainy day... Listen to music if there is a lot of noise around and cut the crap if you are fortunate enough to live on the countryside...


  1. Fantastic read. Generally your posts go above my head , this one dint :-)

    Rail, Oh yes, mansoon has hit India right?

    FB and Orkut are in a way good to keep in touch, and communicate. It is certainly better way than dusting out old autograph books.

    About updates , like etc they are really pain.Agreed. But they are all optional (at least on FB). So if you don't like some one , just hide him :-)

    On twitter . yes , I hate this technology. I had written a post on it sometime back and none of my friends (twitter fans) were able to convince me :-)

  2. My posts; go above your head?
    In all good humour, how many posts have I posted till date? Thanks yet again and I hope to provide more food for thought and discussion in the coming weeks!

    Technology - a necessary evil is all I can think of right now!


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